jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

heart, mind & soul

My mind decided some months ago that I should move to a different city to look for a best opportunity and my heart and soul where so foolish on board, so we all got exited and so emotional but everything was great, until Friday.

I have been packing for several days and I put the things that I was bringing with me in two suitcases and left mi life in five boxes.

I said farewell to everyone that I know but the moment I had to say goodbye to my boyfriend was the moment I realize that my own mind broke my heart.

That moment when you are hugging that special some one and you don’t want to, but you have to go, that has to be one of the most horrible experiences in life.

There is no easy way to describe it but as it is, I broke my own heart.

So how am I supposed to repair it, if I was the one to do it? 
Before my heart, mind and soul were like a team, they worked always for the best result, for example when some one else broke my heart, my mind and soul came together to put the pieces back to place and when I had problems at school, work or whatever my heart and soul fight to get me back on track.

But now what?  

2 comentarios:

  1. Jason Mraz - Details in the Fabric... EsJcúchala. Te hará bien

  2. :`( sounds so sad... but don't worry my dear Tatoo, if you two are made for eachother, you'll be together again sooner or later ;) (trust meeee!!!) hugs, hugs, hugs and breath.
